
February the 13th, 2025

Fixed Token refresh fails intermittently when using Jira integration TM-1726


February the 12th, 2025

Improved Prevent 1Password from filling in non-authentication related fields TM-1702
Improved Hide viewed test result filter on test case page TM-1681
Improved Show "all" option in test case folder tree browser TM-1673
Improved Total count of records in reports TM-1672
Improved Hide viewed test results filter in test case coverage report TM-1671
Fixed Reset to default in filter menu doesn't always work TM-1705


December the 17th, 2024

Improved Test case coverage search feature TM-1668
Improved Support for webhooks using Teams and Power Automate TM-1634
Fixed Some multi-select filters in issue summary reports don't work properly TM-1665
Fixed Test case import should not require custom fields to be present on every row TM-1662


December the 3rd, 2024

Improved Comments are show on the detail tab for issues and test results (reverted 8.0 layout change) TM-1659
Fixed Using custom field filter in issue summary report causes the application to crash TM-1661
Fixed Expired and completed test runs shouldn't be displayed in run overview TM-1654
Fixed When assigning test cases to a test run, the all test cases counter should not include draft test cases TM-1652
Fixed Application coverage report reports an error when using the milestone filter TM-1651
Fixed Texts looks distorted on editing task details in sidebar TM-1593


November the 30th, 2024

New Test case folders TM-1619
New Test folder cloning TM-934
New Requirements / risks / test case ordering TM-105
Improved Revamped test run, test case, and test result page TM-1643
Improved Report shortcuts TM-1642
Improved Test case coverage report TM-1641
Improved Import test cases from other projects TM-1635
Improved Project filter for audit trail TM-1624
Improved Show custom fields in sidebar for requirements / risks TM-1622
Improved Test results sidebar TM-1612
Improved Better page title for detail pages TM-1610
Improved Improved webpage titles for test runs TM-1606
Improved Test case name character limit increased to 255 characters TM-1360
Improved Confirmation is shown when a test case is duplicated or moved to another suite TM-963
Improved Rich formatted cells in Excel export TM-844
Improved Optional merging instructions while importing test cases TM-297
Fixed Custom field filters causes issue summary report to crash when subscribed to Starter plan TM-1645
Fixed In some cases, the test results of another user are displayed when expanding a test run using track test runs TM-1631
Fixed Invalid colors are used for issue status In progress and Retest TM-1629
Fixed Team area path is not used when sending DevOps issues TM-1620
Fixed Improved error handling when extending lifetime for Jira webhooks TM-1607
Fixed Statuses while configuring integration mapping aren't localized TM-1602
Fixed Test workload report shows "hideUpcomingTestRuns" and "hideExpiredTestRuns" when related filters are active TM-1522


May the 15th, 2024

Improved Better integration status mapping layout TM-1596
Improved Large activity log items are collapsed for better readability TM-1583
Improved Redesigned test run timeline improving test result outcome visibility TM-1582
Improved Improved status update handling when Jira or DevOps restrictions are in place TM-1581
Improved Integration logging TM-1580
Fixed When tasks are completed, users are still able to edit task on issues details page TM-1587
Fixed Reset to default action in customizable reports doesn't work TM-1586
Fixed Avatars are missing in test workload and several other overview TM-1526
Fixed Option "Prevent test cases from being run" is not translated TM-1518


April the 23rd, 2024

Improved Code search support when importing issues from Jira TM-1571
Improved Disconnect option for integration that need migration TM-1569
Fixed Skip updating initial status when it doesn't need to be changed TM-1579
Fixed Status mapping shouldn't allow reusing the same issue status TM-1576
Fixed Send to integration toggle is missing when adding issue using track test cases / test runs TM-1575
Fixed Users are unable to add spaces when a list is present in rich text fields TM-1574
Fixed Importing from Jira fails when issue description contains one or more images that have been scaled TM-1572
Fixed Issue description should be required when importing issues TM-1570
Fixed Notifications for failed import reverts are not sent TM-1565
Fixed When linking a test result to an issue, the confirmation message says "Issue" instead of "Result" TM-1523
Fixed Notification "My test run has started" isn't translated TM-1508
Fixed Using non-existing tag in report filters causes an application error TM-1483
Fixed Configure integration dialogs are being cut off at the bottom when using a smaller screen TM-1355


April the 13th, 2024

New ClickUp integration TM-1531
New Two-way sync integrations TM-1494
Improved Improved error handling when record cannot be found TM-1545
Improved Autofill one-time-passcode when logging in TM-1535
Improved Revamped integrations platform TM-1534
Improved Import requirements and issues from integrations TM-1533
Improved Link to existing integration issues TM-1532
Improved Sidebar for requirements and risks TM-1514
Improved Link issues while running a test run TM-1238
Fixed Issue assignee receives two notifications when a comment is posted TM-1550
Fixed Tooltip content doesn't handle overflow correctly for long labels TM-1543
Fixed Wysiwyg fields don't handle overflow correctly TM-1542
Fixed Clone and rerun options in track test runs are not visible unless you are an admin user TM-1536
Fixed Ensure descriptions are sent to DoneDone using a HTML tag TM-1489


January the 29th, 2024

Fixed Access tokens for Azure DevOps integrations have expired TM-1517


January the 24th, 2024

Improved Better import, export and clone performance TM-1516
Improved Better handling for displaying test results for test runs assigned to many users TM-1515
Fixed Cannot modify test run when non-project members are assigned TM-1506
Fixed Admins without project members cannot view custom fields and customize lists TM-1482


November the 14th, 2023

Fixed Test run closed and opened webhook triggers won't fire TM-1503
Fixed Cannot assign issues to test results when results are still in draft TM-1499
Fixed Search feature sometimes causes an error message when subscribed to the Starter plan TM-1498


October the 31st, 2023

Fixed Authorize external application button isn't properly aligned TM-1484
Fixed Completed and expired test runs show up in my test runs TM-1478


October the 11th, 2023

Fixed Expired test runs should be hidden from test run overview TM-1477
Fixed Test run state doesn't immediately refresh when updating start or end date TM-1474
Fixed Date tooltip is using UTC timezone instead of configured timezone TM-1473
Fixed Dutch translation for project test settings help message TM-1472


October the 11th, 2023

New Test run states TM-1235
Improved Revised main menu navigation font TM-1453
Improved Show test run code and name while running a test run TM-1373
Improved Milestone column in run test runs overview TM-1290
Fixed Unable to move test cases to another test suite using batch update TM-1469
Fixed Test case import sometimes fails when importing more than 1000 test cases TM-1463
Fixed Cloning a test case with an empty custom user field value fails TM-1462
Fixed Some mime types cause attachments to be hidden TM-1454


August the 3rd, 2023

Improved Allow comment updating TM-1443
Improved Increased upload limit to 50MB TM-1242
Fixed Test suite name updates aren't shown in Firefox TM-1444
Fixed EML files are rejected as attachment TM-1340


July the 11th, 2023

Improved Custom field URL type TM-1398
Fixed Issue priority on detail page is not always translated TM-1423
Fixed Generic file icon is missing for attachments without a thumbnail TM-1414
Fixed Webhook disabled notification should link to webhooks overview TM-1411
Fixed Draft results are counted but not listed when viewing related test results TM-1403
Fixed When batch updating test cases or test runs, sometimes assigned tags will disappear TM-1048
Fixed Updating multiple fields at once can cause an input validation message TM-544


June the 28th, 2023

New Webhooks integration TM-1385
Improved HTML characters are shown in the project names when using the project switcher TM-1308
Fixed Axios error is shown when sending an issue to DevOps fails TM-1392
Fixed Expired sessions cause a Javascript error when loading test case instructions through the API TM-1344
Fixed Multiple test runs assigned notification sometimes doesn't trigger TM-1342
Fixed Timestamp gets updated, causer doesn't get updated TM-1284
Fixed Quickly deleting an attachment twice causes error TM-1271
Fixed Role filter for project members will return all users with the role in any project TM-1212
Fixed Team filter should be searchable in user overview TM-1077


May the 24th, 2023

Improved Allow email address confirmation within 24 hours TM-1371
Improved Allow project managers to configure settings for a project TM-1337
Improved Configure Team for DevOps integration TM-1336
Fixed User filter on track test cases page causes an error TM-1387
Fixed Some partners cannot access the detail page of a customer TM-1375
Fixed Milestone overview in project summary is restricted by 15 milestones TM-1338
Fixed Tags filter is sometimes not accessible when using report filters TM-1310
Fixed On some invoices, non-latin characters are not shown correctly TM-993


April the 29th, 2023

Fixed Cannot switch values when an archived user is selected in a custom user field TM-1366
Fixed New lines are stripped in issue description when sending issues to Jira TM-1356


March the 10th, 2023

Fixed Project member can be unassigned without the required privileges TM-1354
Fixed Cannot create Asana integration due to Asana membership API update TM-1352


February the 27th, 2023

New Okta SSO TM-1243
Improved Better first and last name detection when using SSO auto provisioning TM-1351
Fixed A space character is missing when typing a smiley in a comments field TM-1343


February the 7th, 2023

Improved Ability to navigate to individual test runs in test workload report TM-1334
Improved Estimated test run time in run test overview TM-1307
Improved Automatically hide completed tasks in My Work TM-1292
Improved Project and environment name in notification e-mails TM-1236
Fixed Duplicated columns show up when customizing issue resolution list TM-1331
Fixed Project symbol id should be required when creating a project through the API TM-1323
Fixed In the task report, start and end date filter labels are not translated correctly TM-1316
Fixed Reactivate integration dialog footer is separated from the rest TM-1312
Fixed Date filter in task report is partially hidden TM-1311
Fixed Cancelling a new Slack integration causes a page redirection loop TM-1309
Fixed Link for integration disabled notification causes a 404 error TM-1304
Fixed Project summary requires risk permission even when feature is disabled TM-1275
Fixed Unconfigured integration should not be used when creating new issues TM-1269
Fixed Wide tooltips within a sidebar are cut off TM-987


January the 19th, 2023

Fixed Issue count for coverage reports sometimes are duplicated because of multiple linked test results TM-1322
Fixed Charts don't scale when resizing them in a grid TM-1315
Fixed Role names for auto-provisioned user aren't localized TM-1303
Fixed Application error appears when running the same test run within multiple instances TM-1302
Fixed Copy pasting mentioned items can cause the message not to post TM-1294
Fixed Prevent application error message when using archived project as parameter in API endpoints TM-1288


December the 15th, 2022

Improved Loading indicator for attachment uploading / deleting TM-1286
Fixed Image viewer doesn't show image when opened in Safari TM-1287
Fixed Avatar isn't showing when viewing a single user in user management TM-1282
Fixed Paging limit of 100 is not being observed for API requests TM-1272
Fixed Outcome update filter in track test cases doesn't work TM-1255


December the 10th, 2022

New Filter for object creator TM-1020
Improved Better admin management TM-1262
Improved Increased selected value character limit in filters TM-1256
Improved Lazy load avatars TM-1249
Improved Refer to test case code in test result lists TM-1240
Improved Persist page limit when assigning test cases or users in a test run TM-1239
Improved Test suite filter in track test cases TM-1232
Improved Avoid closing a popup when clicking outside of the dialog TM-1222
Improved Make milestone selector for milestone summary searchable TM-1148
Improved Remember test case filter settings when planning a test run TM-533
Fixed Test runs without assigned test cases show up in the run overview with "NaN" column TM-1266
Fixed Progress indicator in coverage reports for uncovered test cases is using the wrong color TM-1265
Fixed Single sign-on allowed domain filter should not be case sensitive TM-1198
Fixed Issue status list should be accessible when authorized for creating issues TM-1000